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Declare Faith in October


This month of October 2019, I declare by faith:

My God is able to do beyond what I will think, ask or imagine. He will enlarge my coast this October, in Jesus’ name.

My Lord will help me to meditate on the Bible day and night so that I can prosper in all things.

My Lord will bless me so that I can be a big blessing to others.

My Lord will open my eyes to recognize and tap into all my untapped potentials.  He will deliver me from procrastination and laziness.

My Lord will give me a spirit of excellence so that I can excel spiritually, physically, morally, maritally and financially, in Jesus’ name.

Nothing will be impossible for me because I am crucified in Christ and through Him I can do all things. 

My Father in Heaven will empower me to be obedient to His Word so my life can be prosperous. 

God’s power will work best in my weakness because I place my hope in the Lord and my strength is renewed.

The Holy Spirit of God, my Comforter, will direct me into the wonderful things God has in store for me.

Because I place my hope in God, I will soar like an eagle; I will run and not grow weary; I will walk and not be faint. 

I will set my heart and mind on things above and not earthly things and my Lord will give me unsurpassed peace. 

I will not beg for bread because Jehovah Rapha will meet me at my point of need according to His riches in glory through Christ Jesus.

I will not live by bread alone but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God my Father.

I will possess my possessions and my labour shall be rewarded; I will not plant for others to fraudulently harvest my sweat, in Jesus’ name.

I will fulfill my purpose and destiny because the mark of Christ is upon me.

I will succeed and not fail because Christ dwells richly in me.

I won’t worry. God knows my needs and will meet them because I make His Kingdom my primary concern.

I will guard my heart because it determines the course of my life; God will keep me in perfect peace because I trust in Him.

I will fully commit my plans into the hands of the Lord because of the assurance, promises and expectation I have of Him.

The favor of God will reign in my life throughout this month, in Jesus’ name.

There will be a supernatural move of the power of God in my life this month, in Jesus’ name. 

God will arise and bless the works of my hands so that His name can be glorified.

God will ransom me from the power of the grave and redeem me from death in Jesus mighty name.

My prayers shall not be amiss. The Lord will bow down his loving ears and hear the voice of my petition, in Jesus’ name. 



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